
Best OKR Tool

Help managers set and track OKRs for their teams. It provides a way to view progress and identify areas of improvement.

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Manage & Accomplish OKRs Like Never Before

  • Set and track your company's goals and objectives

  • Improve communication and collaboration within your company

  • Improve your organization's transparency and accountability

  • Enhance the performance of your company

best okr tool

Intuitive Dashboard

Track the progress of your OKRs over time. Stay on top of the team's progress and take proactive steps when needed.

intuitive dashboard
track initiatives

Track Initiatives

Maintain an overview of your company's initiatives and ensure they are on track. Create a list of initiatives and track their progress with it.

data visualization

Data Visualization

Allow you to see a graphical representation of your data, which can help you identify areas of improvement.

one-click okr reports

One-Click OKR Reports

Can access the snapshot of Initiatives showing all the dashboard analytics in a JPEG, PNG and PDF format. Click on the initiative status to download the report.

Find out more about Intuitive Dashboard

OKR Management

Enable users to manage their OKRs in one central place. It includes setting and tracking progress against their OKRs and sharing their OKRs with others in their organization.

okr management
identify objectives

Identify objectives

Allow users to set and track their goals and objectives for their organization and provide a simple and efficient way to set their goals and objectives and track their progress over time.

plan your actions

Plan your Actions

Plan and track your progress toward specific goals. Using the software, you can track your progress and identify areas for improvement.

analyze dashboards

Analyze Dashboards

Display the progress of each Objective and Key Result in real-time so that you can identify any areas for improvement. Allows you to add notes and comments to each Objective and Key Result.

Find out more about OKR Management

Unlimited Projects

Allow users to add an unlimited number of projects to their OKR account. It is a great way to keep track of your projects and ensure that you are always on track.

unlimited projects
unlimited objectives

Unlimited Objectives

Maintain your goals and objectives by adding unlimited objectives to your OKR software to keep track of them. Organizes your work by allowing you to prioritize each objective.

unlimited key results

Unlimited Key Results

Allow users to add an unlimited number of key results to their OKR objectives. It is helpful for users to track many key results.

unlimited initiatives

Unlimited Initiatives

Users can add an unlimited number of initiatives to their key results. Allow users to track their progress towards their goals and objectives and identify the most important initiatives to focus on.

Find out more about Unlimited Projects

Email Notifications

Receive email notifications for each activity that occurs so that all employees are aware of the objectives.

email notifications
auto emailing

Auto Emailing

Each time an action occurs, an email will be sent automatically to every project employee.

email updates

Email Updates

In order to keep everyone informed, send an email to all the employees whenever an activity takes place.

Find out more about Email Notifications

Quick Add

A smart way to do tasks fast and efficiently is through quick add initiatives. It aids in streamlining the execution of tasks for all employees.

quick add
describe initiative

Describe Initiative

To prevent misunderstandings, state the initiative's purpose in clear terms.

assign due dates

Assign Due Dates

Make sure that the task is given a certain amount of time to be completed, and that the employees are informed of the due date.

assign employees

Assign Employees

You may define which employee is in charge of particular tasks. You can allocate numerous employees to the same task, or you can designate only one employee to be in charge of a task.

Find out more about Quick Add

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